Mustapha CodeLab

Front-end Development

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WebLens – Front-End Development for a Tech Solutions Platform

Technologies used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

WebLens offers a range of tech solutions designed to help businesses build and expand their digital presence. Services include web development, app development, photography, design, and consultation on technology investments. The focus is on providing customized solutions that enhance a company’s ability to launch successfully and create a strong digital footprint. By combining cutting-edge technology with creative design, WebLens ensures that businesses stand out and thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

If you would like to explore the project, you can access the full code on my Github Profile

The front-end of the WebLens website was built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. HTML and CSS were used to structure and style the website, ensuring a clean and professional design. Bootstrap was implemented to create a fully responsive layout, optimizing the website for various screen sizes and devices. JavaScript was used to add interactivity and dynamic elements, enhancing the user experience. The result is a visually appealing and functional interface, tailored to showcase the tech solutions and services offered by WebLens.